The following is an overview of Geography programs/field site studies Dorroughby EEC offers.
Stage 4 - Landscapes and Landforms
Students take part in an Landscapes and Landforms day. Become familiar with basic fieldwork equipment such as hygrometers, light meters, anemometers and compasses. Participate in a bush walk through the environment and use the equipment to measure abiotic factors and identify landforms. They identify scats and tracks and walk to the bottom of the falls . Water testing at the falls is optional.
Sites: Rummery Park-Minyon Falls.
Stage 4 – Place and Liveability/Liveability of Places
Students spend the day investigating Ballina Flatrock and surrounds. Participate in mapping, field sketching, plant identification and weather chart reading. Record and analyse the abiotic factors of the site with basic geographer's tools equipment and record data collected along a transect. Investigate the livability aspects of the area and respond thoughtfully to the changes to the area that have happened since the non-Indigenous peoples settled in the area.
Sites: Flat Rock, Ballina
Stage 4 - Water in the World
Students spend the day investigating our water Catchment at Rocky Creek Dam - it's past, present and future. Participate in a walk that highlights the endemic flora and fauna and the Bundjalung uses of the plants- medicinal, nutritional, shelter materials etc. Use different types of maps to connect with the area and learn the techniques of field sketching. Take part in Water Quality testing and investigation of abiotic factors both in and out of the rainforest.
Sites: Rocky Creek Dam, Dunoon.
Stage 5- Environmental Change and Management
Students spend the day investigating at specific sites. Discuss the changes in the community past and present. Plan and implement a survey and questionnaire to collect data. Analyse the effects of change on the environment. Take part in a microplastic investigation along transects and beach rubbish collection etc.
Sites: Byron Bay, Belongil Beach, Main Beach, Wategoes Beach, Brunswick Heads, Cabarita Beach
Stage 5 - Sustainable Biomes/Biomes and sustainable agriculture
Students spend the day at Rocky Creek Dam - participate in an in-depth investigation of Rocky Creek Dam and its Future Water Strategy of the area and how can this water source continue to supply the ever-growing population in the catchment area. Investigate the Bundjalung sustainable lifestyle; the changes in land use of the area; and use geographer's tools and Water Quality techniques to collect data and design solutions how local water demand can be met.
Stage 6 - Depth Study Field Work
Students conduct an in depth investigation of either Brunswick Heads or Evans Head.
Brunswick Heads - Activities include investigating the history, geology and Indigenous past of the areas and surrounds - mangrove discussion - abiotic and plant id transects - beach dune quadrats and field sketching.
Evans River - investigating the history, geology and Indigenous past of the area and surrounds - water quality testing.
Kayaking can be included in this excursion.
Stage 6 - Kayaking
Small groups of 16 students paddle kayaks and investigate estuarine ecosystems - land use over time and the impact of humans on the area. Water testing, mapping and field sketching included.
Sites: Evans River, Brunswick River and Cudgen lake.
Stage 6: All programs can be enhanced to create a more advanced, in-depth study.
Stage 6 - Farm Study
Djaning Permaculture Farm - Students visit a local permaculture farm where sustainability isn't just practised, it's lived. Students get a hands on experience of many of permaculture methodologies.
Myocum Maccadamia Farm - Students observe regenerative agricultural practices in action.
Stage 4-6: Environmental Workshop
DEEC staff run an Environmental Workshop at your school - Energy Workshop - Biodiversity, Water, Energy and Waste audits - create a School Environmental Management Plan with students or another activity based on sustainability - visit the DEEC Energy Trailer; design a sustainable House etc.